
17 / UTC+1


↓ FAVS ↓

hermitcraft, milgram, vocaloid, your turn to die, life series, omori, fear and hunger, sos smp

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chainsaw man, fire punch, mp100, dungeon meshi

↓ HC10 ↓

bdubs, cub, etho, gem, grian, mumbo, pearl, scar, skizz, joe hills, joel, stress, tango, cleo, zedaph

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tubbo, jimmy solidarity, dunmeshi toshiro + marcille + chilchuck

↓ BYF ↓

i make kys jokes, not drama-free, i like a lot of hermit/trafficships, if u sb me i will just forget lmfao

↓ BYF ↓

i block for any reason. big or small. dont take it personally